United States Championship

Aktuální U.S. šampion: SHINSUKE NAKAMURA

Historie U.S. Titulu:

Harley Race Johnny Weaver Tallahasse, FL 01-01-75
Johnny Valentine Harley Race Greensboro, NC 03-07-75
Terry Funk Paul Jones Greensboro, NC 09-11-75
Paul Jones Terry Funk Greensboro, NC 27-11-75
Blackjack Mulligan Paul Jones Greensboro, NC 13-03-76
Paul Jones Blackjack Mulligan Greensboro, NC 16-10-76
Blackjack Mulligan Paul Jones Greensboro, NC 15-12-76
Bobo Brazil Blackjack Mulligan Norfolk, VA 07-07-77
Ric Flair Bobo Brazil Norfolk, VA 29-07-77
Ricky Steamboat Ric Flair Greensboro, NC 23-10-77
Blackjack Mulligan Ricky Steamboat Greensboro, NC 01-01-78
Mr. Wrestling Blackjack Mulligan Greensboro, NC 19-03-78
Ric Flair Mr. Wrestling Greensboro, NC 09-04-78
Ricky Steamboat Ric Flair Toronto, ON 18-12-78
Ric Flair Ricky Steamboat Greensboro, NC 01-04-79
Jimmy Snuka Ricky Steamboat Charlotte, NC 01-09-79
Ric Flair Jimmy Snuka Greensboro, NC 19-04-80
Roddy Piper Ric Flair Raleigh, NC 27-01-81
Wahoo McDaniel Roddy Piper Greensboro, NC 08-08-81
Sgt. Slaughter Ricky Steamboat Charlotte, NC 04-10-81
Wahoo McDaniel Sgt. Slaughter Richmond, VA 21-05-82
Sgt. Slaughter n/a Greenville, SC 07-06-82
Wahoo McDaniel Sgt. Slaughter Charlotte, NC 22-08-82
Greg Valentine Wahoo McDaniel Norfolk, VA 04-11-82
Roddy Piper Greg Valentine Greensboro, NC 16-04-83
Greg Valentine Roddy Piper Greensboro, NC 30-04-83
Dick Slater Greg Valentine Shelby, NC 14-12-83
Ricky Steamboat Dick Slater Greensboro, NC 21-04-84
Wahoo McDaniel Ricky Steamboat Greensboro, NC 24-06-84
Wahoo McDaniel Manny Fernandez Charlotte, NC 07-10-84
Magnum T.A. Wahoo McDaniel Charlotte, NC 23-03-85
Tully Blanchard Magnum T.A. Charlotte, NC 21-07-85
Magnum T.A. Tully Blanchard Greensboro, NC 28-11-85
Nikita Koloff Magnum T.A. Charlotte, NC 17-08-86
Lex Luger Nikita Koloff Greensboro, NC 11-07-87
Nikita Koloff Lex Luger Chicago, IL 26-11-87
Barry Windham Nikita Koloff Houston, TX 13-05-88
Lex Luger Barry Windham Chicago, IL 20-02-89
Michael Hayes Lex Luger Nashville, TN 07-05-89
Lex Luger Michael Hayes Bluefield, WV 22-05-89
Stan Hansen Lex Luger Chicago, IL 27-10-90
Lex Luger Stan Hansen St. Louis, MO 16-12-90
Sting Steve Austin Atlanta, GA 25-08-91
Rick Rude Sting Savannah, GA 19-11-91
Dustin Rhodes Ricky Steamboat Atlanta, GA 11-01-93
Dustin Rhodes Rick Rude Atlanta, GA 30-08-93
Steve Austin Dustin Rhodes Charlotte, NC 27-10-93
Ricky Steamboat Steve Austin Cedar Rapids, IA 24-08-94
Jim Duggan Steve Austin Roanoke, VA 18-09-94
Steve Austin n/a Roanoke, VA 18-09-94
Vader Jim Duggan Nashville, TN 27-12-94
Sting Meng Dayton, OH 18-06-95
Kensuke Sasaki Sting Tokyo, Japan 13-11-95
One Man Gang Kensuke Sasaki Nashville, TN 27-12-95
Konnan One Man Gang Canton, OH 29-01-96
Ric Flair Konnan Daytona Beach, FL 07-07-96
Eddie Guerrero Diamond Dallas Page Nashville, TN 29-12-96
Dean Malenko Eddie Guerrero Charleston, SC 16-03-97
Jeff Jarrett Dean Malenko Boston, MA 09-06-97
Steve McMichael Jeff Jarrett Nashville, TN 21-08-97
Curt Hennig Steve McMichael Charlotte, NC 15-09-97
Diamond Dallas Page Curt Hennig Washington, DC 28-12-97
Raven Diamond Dallas Page Denver, CO 19-04-98
Goldberg Raven Colorado Springs, CO 20-04-98
Bret Hart Diamond Dallas Page Salt Lake City, UT 20-07-98
Lex Luger Bret Hart Rapid City, SD 10-08-98
Bret Hart Lex Luger Fargo, ND 13-08-98
Diamond Dallas Page Bret Hart Phoenix, AZ 26-10-98
Bret Hart Diamond Dallas Page Chattanooga, TN 30-11-98
Roddy Piper Bret Hart Buffalo, NY 08-02-99
Scott Hall Roddy Piper Oakland, CA 21-02-99
Scott Steiner Booker T Tacoma, WA 11-04-99
David Flair n/a Atlanta, GA 05-07-99
Chris Benoit David Flair Boise, ID 09-08-99
Sid Vicious Chris Benoit Winston-Salem, NC 12-09-99
Goldberg Sid Vicious Las Vegas, NV 24-10-99
Bret Hart Goldberg Phoenix, AZ 25-10-99
Scott Hall Bret Hart Indianapolis, IN 08-11-99
Chris Benoit n/a Washington, DC 19-12-99
Jeff Jarrett Chris Benoit Baltimore, MD 20-12-99
Jeff Jarrett n/a Columbus, OH 17-01-00
Scott Steiner Sting Chicago, IL 16-04-00
Lance Storm Mike Awesome Auburn Hills, MI 18-07-00
Terry Funk Lance Storm Amarillo, TX 22-09-00
Lance Storm Terry Funk Lubbock, TX 23-09-00
Gen. Rection Lance Storm Las Vegas, NV 29-10-00
Lance Storm Gen. Rection London, England 13-11-00
Gen. Rection Lance Storm Milwaukee, WI 26-11-00
Shane Douglas Gen. Rection Indianapolis, IN 14-01-01
Rick Steiner Shane Douglas Tupelo, MS 05-02-01
Booker T Rick Steiner Jacksonville, FL 18-03-01
Chris Kanyon Booker T Pittsburgh, PA 26-07-01
Tajiri Chris Kanyon San Antonio, TX 10-09-01
Rhyno Tajiri Pittsburgh, PA 29-09-01
Kurt Angle Rhyno Kansas City, MO 22-10-01
Edge Kurt Angle Boston, MA 12-11-01
Eddie Guerrero Chris Benoit Denver, CO 27-07-03
Big Show Eddie Guerrero Baltimore, MD 19-10-03
John Cena Big Show New York, NY 14-03-04
Booker T Rob Van Dam Cincinnati, OH 29-07-04
John Cena Booker T East Rutherford, NJ 03-10-04
Carlito John Cena Boston, MA 07-10-04
John Cena Carlito Dayton, OH 11-08-04
Orlando Jordan John Cena Albany, NY 03-03-05
Chris Benoit Orlando Jordan Washington, D.C. 21-08-05
Booker T Chris Benoit Reno, NV 21-10-05
Booker T Chris Benoit Philadelphia 13-01-06
Chris Benoit Booker T Baltimore 19-02-06
JBL Chris Benoit Chicago 02-03-06
Bobby Lashley JBL Bakersfield, CA 26-05-06
Finlay Bobby Lashley Minneapolis, MN 14-07-06
Mr. Kennedy Finlay Reading, Penn. 01-09-06
Chris Benoit Mr. Kennedy Jacksonville, Florida 13-10-06
Montel Vontavious Porter Chris Benoit St. Louis, MO 20-05-07
Matt Hardy MVP Baltimore 27-04-08
Shelton Benjamin Matt Hardy New York City 20-07-08
MVP Shelton Benjamon Corpus, Christi, TX 20-03-09
Kofi Kingston MVP Birmingham, Ala. 01-06-09
The Miz Kofi Kingston Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 05-10-09
Bret Hart The Miz Toronto 17-05-10
R-Truth The Miz Toledo, Ohio 24-05-10
The Miz R-Truht Charlotte, N.C. 14-06-10
Daniel Bryan The Miz Rosemont, Illinois 19-09-10
Sheamus Daniel Bryan St.Louis 14-03-11
Kofi Kingston Sheamus Tampa, Florida 01-05-11
Dolph Ziggler Kofi Kingston Washington, D.C 19-06-11
Zack Ryder Dolph Ziggler Baltimore, Maryland 18-12-11
Jack Swagger Zack Ryder Anaheim, Calif. 16-01-12
Santino Marella Jack Swagger Boston, Ma. 05-03-12
Antonio Cesaro Santino Marella Los Angeles, CA 19-08-12
Kofi Kingston Antonio Cesaro Greenville, S.C. 15-04-13
Dean Ambrose Kofi Kingston St. Louis, Missouri 19-05-13
Sheamus Dean Ambrose Albany, N.Y. 05-05-14
Rusev Sheamus Buffalo, N.Y. 03-11-14
John Cena Rusev Santa Clara, California 29-03-15
Seth Rollins John Cena Brooklyn, New York 23-08-15
John Cena Seth Rollins Houston, Texas 20-09-15
Alberto Del Rio John Cena Los Angeles, California 25-10-15
Kalisto Alberto Del Rio New Orleans 11-01-16
Alberto Del Rio Kalisto Lafayette, Louisiana 14-01-16
Kalisto Alberto Del Rio Orlando, Florida 24-01-16
Rusev Kalisto Newark, New Jersey 22-05-16
Roman Reigns Rusev Indianapolis, Indiana 25-09-16
Chris Jericho Roman Reigns New Orleans, LA 09-01-17
Kevin Owens Chris Jericho Orlando, Florida 02-04-17
Chris Jericho Kevin Owens San Jose, California 30-04-17
Kevin Owens Chris Jericho Fresno, CA 02-05-17
AJ Styles Kevin Owens New York City, NY 07-07-17
Kevin Owens AJ Styles Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 23-07-17
AJ Styles Kevin Owens Richmond, VA 25-07-17
Baron Corbin AJ Styles Detroit, Michigan 08-10-17
Dolph Ziggler Baron Corbin Boston, Massachusetts 17-12-17
Bobby Roode --- Laredo, TX 16-01-18
Randy Orton Bobby Roode Columbus, OH 11-03-18
Jinder Mahal Randy Orton New Orleans, Louisiana 08-04-18
Jeff Hardy Jinder Mahal Hartford, CT 17-04-18
Shinsuke Nakamura Jeff Hardy Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15-07-18
Rusev Shinsuke Nakamura Fresno, CA 25-12-18
Shinsuke Nakamura Rusev Phoenix, Arizona 27-01-19
R-Truth Shinsuke Nakamura Phoenix, AZ 29-01-19
Samoa Joe R-Truth Wilkes-Barre, PA 06-03-19
Rey Mysterio Samoa Joe Hartford, Connecticut 19-05-19
Samoa Joe Rey Mysterio Austin, TX 03-06-19
Ricochet Samoa Joe Tacoma, Washington 23-06-19
AJ Styles Ricochet Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 14-07-19
Rey Mysterio AJ Styles Rosemont, IL 25-11-19
Andrade Rey Mysterio New York, NY 26-11-19
Apollo Crews Andrade Orlando, FL 25-05-20
Bobby Lashley Apollo Crews Orlando, FL 29-08-20
Riddle Bobby Lashley St. Petersburg, FL 21-02-21
Sheamus Riddle Tampa, Florida 11-04-21
Damian Priest Sheamus Las Vegas, NV 21-08-21
Finn Bálor Damian Priest Columbus, OH 28-02-22
Theory Finn Bálor Buffalo, NY 18-04-22
Bobby Lashley Theory Las Vegas 02-07-22
Seth Rollins Bobby Lashley Brooklyn, NY 10-10-22
Austin Theory Seth Rollins Boston, Massachusetts 26-11-22
Rey Mysterio Austin Theory Calgary, AB, Canada 11-08-23
Logan Paul Rey Mysterio Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 04-11-23
LA Knight Logan Paul Cleveland, Ohio 03-08-24
Shinsuke Nakamura LA Knight Vancouver, Canada 30-11-24



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